Earlier this year, we opened up our store to accept pre-orders for the new Pokemon Battle Styles set.
I had anticipated a few orders before the March 19th release date rolled around, but we received over 20 individual pre-orders before that date even came around!
That may not sound like a lot to you, but to a new and growing company such as ourselves, that was a lot more than we expected. Almost every day in March we would have a new order for the new set. It was pretty cool!
But then there was the matter of the stock… We ended up selling out of all of our supply before March 12th (over a week before the set even released!) so predictably… We didn’t have enough Battle Styles product available to supply every order on release day. Especially the Elite Trainer Boxes. It wasn’t until 2 weeks later that we had enough of the ETB’s to fill all of our orders.
So you know… Lesson learned, right?
Well, there’s going to be growing pains and I have many more lessons to learn. So thanks for your patience and I look forward to the release of Pokemon’s newest set Chilling Reign in June.
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