Chances are... you don’t recognize many of the board games we feature.
A lot of people associate games like Monopoly® and Risk® when they think of board games. When we were coming up with Elite4 Games, our goal was to find quality unique games. Through our research, we found games that offer fun and unique takes on tapletop games. For example, “Unlock!” is a really cool one. It’s a cooperative puzzle that uses a free app to assist you in tackling 3 unique scenarios.
Perhaps you’re looking for a game to play at a big family gathering or with your buddies on your college campus. May I introduce to you TAG? No.. Not that tag… This TAG!
It’s an active manhunt-style game where you have to “eliminate” your targets before you get eliminated. And there are some pretty wacky ways you have to “tag” your target. For example, one method is having your target walk underneath a specific card. Kind of like a mistletoe… but with less kissing.
And of course, there are some fantastic educational and childrens games. Professor Noggin for example, is a series of card-based games centered around specific learning subjects. You can find these games and more in our Kids Games section.