Trading Card Request

Looking for a specific card for your deck or collection?

With the amount of Pokemon & Yu-Gi-Oh card singles that pass through our store, we might have exactly what you’re looking for!

Fill out the form below and your request will be added to our internal database. We’ll put priority on your requested cards when hosting Trade Days, buying collections and opening booster packs. We’ll contact you if/when the requested cards are available. They can be purchased at our store or traded for during our monthly community Trade Day on the 1st Saturday of every month! As of right now, this service is only available locally for in-store pick up.

*There are no guarantees that the requested cards will become available, the purpose of this form is strictly for us to keep an eye out for cards that you want.

* Your Name

* E-Mail Address

* Join Email List?

* Card Name, Number, Set, Etc..
Please provide any details that will help us identify the card(s) you're looking for

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Card Name, Number, Set, Etc

Card Name, Number, Set, Etc

Card Name, Number, Set, Etc

Card Name, Number, Set, Etc

Card Name, Number, Set, Etc

Card Name, Number, Set, Etc

Card Name, Number, Set, Etc

Card Name, Number, Set, Etc

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