Trade in Your Bulk Pokemon Cards!

Trade in your bulk cards for cash and store credit!

Bring your bulk cards in to our retail location and trade them in for cash or store credit. We offer better trade-in value for store credit but still offer cash as an option as well! See our rates below:


Everything Else: 50% Market Value / 75% Market Value

When you drop cards off, please give us up to 3 business days to evaluate conditions of cards. You will be given a quote with proposed trade in value and you'll have the option to pick up your cards if you don't agree with my evaluation. We try to be as transparent as possible so we'll be giving you the "Market Value" and then you can decide if you want to;

  1. Get cash back at 50%
  2. Get store credit at 75%
  3. Take your cards back


Print this form off and fill it out in the same order as your cards that you’re sending in! (Click Here) – Note: You only need this for non-bulk cards. Anything in bold above can be ignored.

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